
First Sign of Learning!

As of this week, anatomy is officially over for me! It's both exciting and maybe a little sad... well, no, it's really just exciting to be done that small milestone of medical school. I almost feel like I need to change the name of the blog now!

Thanks to my great anatomy professors, I've finally experienced my first indication that I'm learning. Thank goodness.

On the train I see all kinds of people, and riding the train home after our anatomy midterm I noticed a lady with standing by the door with a drooping on one side of her face. I then noticed her hand on that side of her body was held like this:

It was the Claw Hand sign! It can be a sign of damage to the lower roots of the brachial plexus, mentioned earlier in the post about the mighty arm pit! It was a great day and a good reminder that I'm actually learning useful information seen in everyday life.


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